10 Idioms & Phrases with Black

Are you in someone’s black books? If you don’t know what it means, keep on reading because, in this article, you're going to learn 10 useful “black” idioms in English. Let’s look at some idioms and phrases using the word “black”.

List of black idioms and phrases:

1. Black sheep
2. Black and blue
3. Be in the black
4. Be in someone’s black books
5. Pitch black
6. The pot calling the kettle black
7. To give someone a black look
8. Black hat hacker
9. In black and white
10. Jet black

10 Idioms & Phrases with "Black"

black idioms
Black Idioms

1. Black sheep

a member of a group or family regarded as not so successful or respectable as the rest


Avni's elder sister was the black sheep of the family.

2. Black and blue

If you say that you're black and blue, you mean that you're badly bruised.


Her arm was still black and blue.

3. Be in the black

earning more money than you spend


We hope our company will be in the black next year.

4. Be in someone’s black books

If someone is in your black books, you are angry with them.


He hasn't visited his relatives in India for a long time, so he knows he is in her uncle's black books.

Keep reading: Love Idioms

5. Pitch-black

If the night or a place is pitch-black, it is extremely dark or black.


I drove my car in a pitch-black tunnel yesterday.

6. The pot calling the kettle black

a situation in which someone criticizes someone else for a fault that they also have


My sister called me a liar – that is the pot calling the kettle black!

7. To give someone a black look

If you give somebody a black look, you look at them in a way that shows that you're very angry about something.


My boss gave me a black look when I suggested a different plan. 

8. Black hat hacker

a hacker who secretly gets into other people’s computer systems for malicious or illegal intentions (such as to damage the system or steal secret information)


As a black hat hacker, Katherine hacked into over 25 major corporations, including Realme and Infosys.

Keep reading: Ice Idioms

9. In black and white

Something that is in black and white is written or printed, and not just said.


I had to believe we'd got the contract because it was there in black and white.

10. Jet-black

Something that is jet-black is very dark black in colour.


She has long, jet-black hair and ochre eyes.
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