10 Useful Idioms & Phrases with Face

Learn useful face idioms and phrases in English with meaning and examples to improve your English vocabulary.

List of useful face idioms and phrases:

1. Put​/get your face on

2. Face up to (something)

3. Save face

4. Lose face

5. Face the music

6. Poker face

7. At face value

8. At the coalface

9. Have egg on face

10. A slap in the face

10 Useful Idioms & Phrases with Face


Idioms about face
Face Idioms

1. Put​/get your face on

to apply makeup




I'm nearly ready. Give me two minutes to put my face on.


It’s nine o’clock already and I haven’t even got my face on.


2. Face up to (something)

to accept and deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant




He had to face up to the fact that he would never walk again.


She has to face up to her problems now, or else they'll only get worse.


3. Save face

to avoid embarrassment or damage to your reputation




They're looking for a compromise that allows both sides to save face.


Dua got fired, but to save face she told everyone that she resigned.

Keep reading:  horse idioms


4. Lose face

to become less respected by others




Many leaders don't want to lose face by admitting failures.


He was afraid that he would lose face if he admitted his mistake.


5. Face the music

to accept punishment or criticism for your actions




Sooner or later, you're going to have to face the music.


If you lied to me, then you'll just have to face the music.


6. Poker face

an expression on your face that hides your true feelings




In business a poker face can be very useful.


I was pleased when I realised I'd won the debate, but I kept a poker face.


7. At face value

based on appearance without further investigation




I took the offer at face value. I didn't think they might be trying to trick me.


Sarah took what he said at face value. She was shocked to find out he'd lied.


8. At the coalface

doing the hardest part of a job, rather than planning or managing it




Our managers just don't know what goes on at the coalface.


Teachers at the coalface know these reforms don’t work.


9. Have egg on face

to be very embarrassed because of something you said or did




The unexpected election result left a lot of journalists with egg on their faces.


She told everyone the deal was happening, and if it falls through now she’ll have egg on her face.

10. A slap in the face

a surprising act that insults or offends someone




It was a real slap in the face when they didn't invite him to the wedding.


His decision to leave the company to work for our competitors was a slap in the face.

Did you know all of these useful expressions using 'face'?!😇

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